Monday, March 21, 2011

California once again!!

So I got an oppertunity to go back to California for a week along with my old and great friend Colby!
We stayed at my mom's amazing new house in Tulare. It is surrounded by orchards of orange trees and vinyards of grapes!
The week consisted of swimming pools, hot tubs, new and old family, new and old friends, a little bit of Bakersfield jazz, some wine tasting in Paso Robles, and some very large trees in some very beautiful mountains.
Here are just a few snapshots from the week!
Who: The Von Brauwns ...Destination: The Beach.

The most beautiful landscape.

Biggest. Trees. EVER

You can't read it, but the reason this was so funny is because that little sign
there, says regrowing zone: do not disturb land ...Oops!

St Patricks day at the Padre in Bakersfield

Cute newly weds!

The brother-in-law. Gotta love him :)

Okay..what you don't see in the picture is one or both of them singing the black/yellow song.
in what is only assumed to be an attempt at the voice of big bird.

SO! That was basically the trip! Although, I wish I had taken pictures of Mom's lovely backyard!

And I am back in Oklahoma to seeeee...


And a very happy boyfriend!



  1. It was so much fun to see you! I am excited for you to come back out... or girls trip! Which ever happens first. And I love that you added photos! When did you learn how to do that?!

  2. then look at her wedding wednesday posts... she has some fun really cute ideas! Let me know what you think
