Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back to the books

School has officially begun! I'm taking 4 classes...2 of which are capstone classes!
In order of time demand and personal dread...
1_Institutuional Food Managment (capstone)
2_Biochem II
3_Advanced Nutrition (capstone)
4_World Foods & Culture

If all goes according to plan, I should be outa here by DECEMBER!!!

On another note, I didn't invest in a decal for my car this year, with the intentions of forcing myself to walk to school everyday for some extra exercise! Good plan, right!? It most definately IS (..until its less than 12 degrees outside and  all of the sudden your wearing 2 pair of pants, 2 long sleave shirts,outerwear and a pair of your sisters old ski socks that she left behind) But in all honesty, I still like not having to find a parking spot... and some people who do, actually park their cars further away than I live!

I hope everyone enjoys their new semester/new year!!


  1. wow... look at you go!
    you are younger than me and finishing a whole semester and a half sooner. i feel like such a loser, ha. BEST OF LUCK to you girlie! you will do GREAT! no doubt.

  2. I'll trade you a semester for a trip to Austrailia!!?! haha ;) ...but really...

  3. You will do wonderful I am sure!
