Grab your green bean casserole in one hand and a safe friend in the other because here come the chaotic times of the holidays! Mine begins tomorrow actually, when I load up the car and head to Amarillo, where I get to spend the night in a myself for the first time!! I am weirdly excited about it. Then picking up the step bro and finishing the trip to a little town in New Mexico, which will be densely overpopulated that day, due to my extended family of about 70. ...yes, you read that right... Moreover, I get to meet up with my mom and sister and brother-in-law, who I have not seen in what feels like forever, and enjoy the next few days! Meanwhile, at home, not so little Izzy kitty will be cared for by a collaborated effort between Kenzie and Ethan! J
On a side note, cranberry sauce is not too hard to make, and a MUST in any cookbook. Come on, its classic!
1 cup sugar
½ cup water
½ cup orange juice
1 pkg fresh cranberries (12oz)
Combine sugar, water and OJ and bring to a light boil. Let sugar dissolve. Add cranberries and boil gently until skins burst. Do not overcook. Chill and let thicken.
Notes: You will want to make it about 24 hrs before you plan to serve it. In addition, if you want, you can substitute brown sugar for some of the sugar for a darker sauce with richer flavor. Also, remember this is the basic recipe… personalize it and add things like chopped pecans, diced pineapple, chopped apples, cut white grapes or whatever sounds fun!
I hope all of your holidays are fun filled and cherished. I know I am thankful for the wonderful and loving family I have. An amazing sister who always answers my calls; even when they are disturbingly early in the morning because I forget about the time change on my way to work. Such a sweet and loving boyfriend and best friend, who knows my favorite soda, and will drive all the way to Pop’s to get it for me. A dad who spent hours upon hours doing chemistry homework with me and spoils me with cookies, treats...and a car. Friends who help when I’m struggling with last minute assignments, or to go out to dinner and watch football games with. I am just incredibly blessed and thankful for everything I have and everyone around me. It sounds cliché but it’s honest.
Have a great holiday
P.S. I know pictures are way more interesting. When i figure it out...well, I gues you'll notice :)